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Пресс-служба ОАО "БанкТуранАлем" дает дополнительное разъяснение для партнеров и клиентов банка по поводу переданного в средствах массовой информации сообщения об аннулировании рейтингов БТА международным рейтинговым агентством Fitch.


В конце 2000 года агентство Fitch слилось с другим рейтинговым агентством Thomson Bank Watch, с которым у ОАО "БанкТуранАлем" был заключен контракт. На основании данных контрактных взаимоотношений Fitch присвоил рейтинги ОАО "БанкТуранАлем". В связи с тем, что БТА уже имеет рейтинги от двух ведущих мировых рейтинговых агентств Moody&0039;s и Standard & Poor&0039;s, ранее существовавший контракт с Thomson Bank Watch потерял свою силу в связи с поглощением, и новый контракт с агентством Fitch не был заключен.

Таким образом, в соответствии с запросом ОАО "БанкТуранАлем" агентством "Fitch" были аннулированы рейтинги БТА.

Прилагаем полный текст информационного сообщения, предоставленного международным рейтинговым агентством Fitch:


Fitch–London–10 May 2001: Fitch, the international rating agency, has withdrawn the ratings assigned to the following entities by Fitch following its recent merger with Thomson BankWatch and at the request of the various institutions:

  • Far Eastern Bank (Russia): Long-term ‘CCC minus’, Short-term ‘C’, Individual ‘D/E’ and Support ‘5T’;
  • Infobank (Russia): Long-term ‘CC’, Short-term ‘C’, Individual ‘D/E’ and Support ‘5T’;
  • Nizhegorodsky Bankirsky Dom – NBD Bank (Russia): Long-term ‘CC’, Short-term ‘C’, Individual ‘D/E’ and Support ‘5T’;
  • Uralvneshtorgbank (Russia): Long-term ‘CC’, Short-term ‘C’, Individual ‘D/E’ and Support ‘5T’;
  • Bank TuranAlem: (Kazakhstan): Long-term ‘B+’, Short-term ‘B’, Individual ‘D’ and Support ‘4T’.

The banks’ Intra-Country Issuer (IC) and Local Currency (LC) ratings, which were assigned by Thomson BankWatch prior to its acquisition by Fitch, are also simultaneously withdrawn:

  • Far Eastern Bank: ‘IC-D’ and ‘LC-3’;
  • Infobank: ‘IC-D/E’ and ‘LC-3’;
  • Nizhegorodsky Bankirsky Dom (NBD Bank): ‘IC-D’ and ‘LC-3’;
  • Uralvneshtorgbank: ‘IC-D/E’ and ‘LC-3’.
  • Bank TuranAlem: ‘IC-C/D’ and’LC-2’.

Contact: Natasha Page; James Longsdon, London Tel: +44 (0) 207 417 4222

Note to Editors: Fitch’s Support and Individual Ratings for Banks

Fitch’s Individual ratings assess how a bank would be viewed if it were entirely independent and could not rely on external support. Its Support ratings deal with the question of whether a bank would receive support from its owners or from the state if it were to get into difficulty. These ratings are not debt ratings but rather, respectively, an assessment of the intrinsic strength of a bank and of any level of outside support that may, or may not, be available to it.

Thomson BankWatch’s ratings inventory included two scales of rating, which do not have a direct Fitch equivalent. These are "Local Currency" (LC) and "Intra-Country" (IC); each was used only for emerging market countries. On 23 April 2001, Fitch announced that these rating scales would have been withdrawn by 1 October 2001.